
Join a men’s group that has your back. Build authentic friendships, and let your potential unfold.

Trusted by more than 1 000 men.

Apie mus kalba:

Apie mus kalba:

Limited spots available, so sign up now!

You don’t have to walk alone. Discover friendships that inspire you!

Sign up and rest easy knowing that you took the first step of an exciting journey to self-discovery.

The number of men’s groups is limited, so hurry up!

As the world is changing rapidly every day, we face new kinds of emotional challenges.

We spend more and more time in isolation, looking at screens and experiencing reality superficially.

However, we still have the fundamental human needs to share, communicate, and belong to a community.

Since the beginning of mankind, we have evolved to live in small communities, where everyone knows and trusts each other; in an environment where everyone is needed.

Your social circle has a significant impact on your emotions, attitude, behaviour, and achievements in life.

If you want to be happier and stronger, be more in touch with your masculinity, and have a clearer direction in life – meet men who strive for the same.

Surround yourself with those who share your values honest, open-minded, and self-aware men who have meaningful pursuits in life and share mutual respect.

Each of us is unique, with our own strengths, weaknesses, talents, experiences, and traumas.

At our organization, we believe that diversity is our strength. We strive to create an open and tolerant environment that welcomes all men, including those who identify as LGBT+.

We recognize that everyone has their own journey and we respect and celebrate those differences.

By interacting with people from diverse backgrounds, we learn from each other and gain new perspectives, inspiring personal growth and positive change.

Together, we generate synergy and exponential growth, supporting each other on our paths towards self-improvement.

We are not made to live in concrete boxes among thousands of strangers

As the world is changing rapidly every day, we face new kinds of emotional challenges. We spend more and more time in isolation, looking at screens and experiencing reality superficially. However, we still have the fundamental human needs to share, communicate, and belong to a community. Since the beginning of mankind, we have evolved to live in small communities, where everyone knows and trusts each other; in an environment where everyone is needed.

Expand your social circle and watch your life transform

Your social circle has a significant impact on your emotions, attitude, behaviour, and achievements in life. If you want to be happier and stronger, be more in touch with your masculinity, and have a clearer direction in life – meet men who strive for the same. Surround yourself with those who share your values honest, open-minded, and self-aware men who have meaningful pursuits in life and share mutual respect.

TRIBES welcome diverse men - together we are stronger

Each of us is unique – with our strengths, weaknesses, talents, experiences and traumas. When we interact with people who have diverse experiences, we complement each other. It allows us to look at life’s situations from a different perspective and inspires us to make changes. We want to see each other improve. When we’re together, we generate synergy and exponential growth.

What is TRIBES and how does it work?

Stage 1:

Registration and formation of your TRIBE

Duration: 4-6 weeks

Fill in the registration form and tell us more about yourself and your expectations.

We will invite you to an introductory call in which you’ll have your first experience of what Tribes are about. 

As we get to know each other better, we’ll determine which men would be the best fit to join you in a group.

After the introductory call, we’ll form a new group of 6-10 men by using our methodology. We group men with similar backgrounds, hobbies, and ages.

We look for a balance so that the men in the group are different enough to learn from each other while being similar enough to connect easily.

Stage 2:

Introductory TRIBE bootcamp

Duration: 8 weeks

Your men’s group will meet online once a week for a 3-hour session. 

With the help of a moderator and science-based methodology, you’ll learn how to communicate more effectively: discuss, confront, understand your emotions, share experiences, express your opinion and stand up for your needs.

During each meeting, the moderator will gradually transfer responsibilities to the group members.

Eventually, the Tribe will be able to function effectively on its own, without the moderator’s intervention.

Also, you’ll meet other members individually every week, which will help you to get to know them better and strengthen your bond.

Meeting topics of the Tribe bootcamp:


GETTING TO KNOW each other

You’ll meet the other men in the group and get to know them. 

During this session, you’ll learn about the schedule of the bootcamp, have the first discussions, and receive your first assignments.



You’ll learn how to create a safe space for inner work and how to conduct it effectively. 

If you have a pressing issue you want to solve or simply talk about a problem you’re facing, you can ask the group for space so you can speak your mind and be heard. 

The group will share feedback, help you organise your thoughts, and make a better plan for your next steps in life.



You’ll learn 3 important principles of Tribes: how to increase & maintain mindfulness in everyday actions, how to deploy your Tribe’s help to effectively set weekly challenges, and progress in life by achieving them. 



In Tribes men’s groups, it is vital to understand your emotions. 

Not only do we talk about them, but we also learn to regulate them. 

You’ll be participating in exercises to train emotional awareness and empathy.



Giving honest, sincere, and respectful feedback is one of the most important life skills. Learning to receive it from others is even more crucial. 

In this meeting, you’ll learn how to communicate how you feel and what you think about each other, thus solidifying our relationship and mutual trust.



In addition to being serious and engaging in important conversations, You’ll learn to simply unwind and enjoy yourself.

You will learn to create a space for easy and playful communication, to joke around and have a good time.



In order to thrive over the long run, you will develop a shared vision for your Tribe’s future.

Additionally, you’ll identify the main obstacles that may be waiting for you in the future and make plans to overcome them.



After 8 weeks, you’ll have a good understanding of what the Tribes are about. 

Whether the Tribes are a good fit for you and whether you want to stay is up to each of you to decide. 

You’ll choose a name for your Tribe, make a commitment to each other, and start the autonomous life of your group

Your Tribe will exist for as long as you need it – as long as you can support and inspire each other.

Stage 3:

Self-contained TRIBE + community

Duration: as long as you need

Your Tribe will continue to meet independently and belong to the broader community of other groups. 

You’ll receive further support, advice, consultations, and additional exercises for your meetings.

In addition, each of you will be able to participate in the regularly held community self-development events and discussion boards.

2022 m. rudens sezono GENTYS formuojamos jau dabar

Atrask bičiulystes, kurios įkvepia!

TRIBES are perfect for YOU if you want to:

Join TRIBES and discover friendships that inspire!

Sign-up and we will contact you shortly for an introductory call.

The number of men’s groups is limited, so hurry up!

TRIBES price

The price of the introductory 2-month bootcamp is £95

Men who stay in the tribe after the bootcamp become members of the TRIBES Community and pay a membership fee starting from as low as £6/month. 

*TRIBE Community members are supporting men who are facing financial difficulties and can partially fund their bootcamp.

Money-back guarantee

If you’ll be disappointed after attending the full bootcamp course, we will refund the full price.

We want men to be happy, strong, loving and purposeful.

Only in this way can we positively contribute to the well-being of our loved ones, community, and the world.

We do not claim to be the gurus of masculinity. We believe it’s up to each man to discover and decide who he wants to be.

We want the relationships of men and women to be harmonious and happy, so they would have their children grow up experiencing a positive deep connection with both of their parents.

We’re building a science-based self-discovery space for men which is high quality, easily accessible, and inspiring. We’re excited to invite all of you to join!


1000+ members

More than a thousand men aged 18-60 from all over Europe and the UK.

100+ Tribes

We’ve trained more than 100 independent men's groups.

30% happier*

On average, men who joined Tribes are 30% happier.

* Men who self-assess using WHO-5 questionnaire.

96% of groups are still active

Majority of the groups continue to meet regullary after the bootcamp.

93% would recommend to others

Majority of men who have been through the bootcamp would recommend it to others .

What fellow men say about TRIBES?

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Harry, 30 y/o

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Albin, 31 y/o

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Martynas, 29 y/o

Join a network of 1000+ TRIBES members now!

Discover friendships that inspire!

The number of groups is limited, so hurry up!

TRIBES newsletter

Sign up for the Tribes Newsletter and be the first to know about upcoming group formation dates, conferences, festivals and receive interesting content about men’s emotional health.